Get back in the driving seat of your career with refreshed confidence and clarity

  • Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your career and are unclear and overwhelmed in deciding the next step?
  • Do you want more fulfillment from your career but have no idea where to start?
  • Are you currently avoiding action and questioning whether to stay or leave your current job?
  • Do you want expert support and someone to guide you through your decision and give you practical advice?
  • Do you want a career on your terms that aligns to the life you want to create?
  • Do you want to feel confident and excited about where you're heading?

If you've answered yes to one or all of the above - let me be your guide as you write the next chapter of your career.

Book a chat with Anna

How I can support you?

I help my clients get clear on what they want next in their career, establish a direction that excites them, and build lasting confidence so that they feel empowered to take decisive action.


As an accredited coach and experienced senior HR professional, I know what it takes to help you thrive in your career.

Through thought-provoking coaching and straightforward, practical advice, my job is to set you up with the mindset and action plan to see you make confident decisions and progress in your career.


Read the results my clients are experiencing...

The results:

My clients have; again.

  • accepted jobs at their dream companies earning salaries that reflect their value and worth.
  • asked for and achieved flexibility that allows balance back in their life so they can spend more time with loved ones.
  • crafted roles in their current companies that align with their skills and passions and are thriving.
  • have gone for and been offered new and exciting opportunities that felt out of reach before.
  • rewritten their long-term career path to contain fulfilling, meaningful work.
  • found their voice and are being seen, making powerful moves in their career with a certainty of self.
  • ... the list goes on!  

If you have a niggle for wanting something more from your career, I'll help you understand your value and be confident to go for what you want. It's not too much to ask to feel fulfilled in your work and happy in the life you lead.

Read client testimonials

Reclaim Your Lane: Bespoke 1:1 Career support

(12 weeks)

  • 6 x 60-minute coaching sessions via Zoom over twelve weeks catered to take you from where you are today to where you want to be (and if you're unsure of that, it's part of what we identify together in week 1)
  • Weekly follow up, including recommended resources and next steps to help you get the most out of your journey 
  • On hand feedback, support and accountability in between coaching sessions via email
  • BONUS practical support to help you make the shifts: 
    • Communication support  (for example; emails to managers, prep for conversations about career, internally or externally).
    • Guidance for negotiating wants (salary, flexibility, role change)
    • Job search strategies (from reviewing your CV and LinkedIn to interview prep and confidence building) 
    • A career plan that is simple but straightforward on actions and next steps to keep the momentum (one you'll actually want to follow)

I work with a limited number of 1:1 clients to ensure the momentum, support and accountability required to make change. 

Book a no strings chat with Anna to find out more

What are my clients saying?

" I knew something had to change! I was sick of writing the same memos to myself, making the same ‘big change’ to do lists.

I was able to open up about what I really wanted - not just with my work but with my whole self. Going through coaching, I find it easier to make decisions now and separate what I think I should do from what I actually want to do and what serves me. "

" I decided to take up the opportunity of coaching as I wasn’t feeling fulfilled in my work life and hugely lacking the confidence to make a change. 

Anna truly helped me remove unnecessary blocks. I cannot thank Anna enough for guiding me to overcome some internal obstacles that I had placed in my own way.  The tools I have learned through my sessions are something that I use and will continue to use in my life."

Read more testimonials here

I'm the expert support for you if...

  • You want to cut through all the noise and have someone keep things honest and simple. 
  • You want to save yourself time, money and happiness trying to do this alone. Lean on someone who has been where you are right now and has the skills, knowledge and experience to support you. 
  • You're open to challenge and tough questions to allow for lasting transformation.
  • You want to stay out of the overwhelm and confusion.
  • You're ready for action and make confident decisions.

and finally but importantly, if you want accountability, someone to have your back and be your personal cheerleader as you move forward in reclaiming your career!

Let's talk about how I can support you

What next?

I know investing in yourself can feel daunting so it's really important to me that I'm the right fit for you (and vice versa!).
Let's jump on a call and I'll give you my honest thoughts on how I can tailor support for what you need.
Book your call now and I look forward to speaking soon!

Book my free 20 minute call with Anna